Tag Archives: KoreanAmericanAdoptee

Season 7, Episode 10: Marissa Lichwick and Her Ghosts

Marissa Lichwick, 46, is a Korean adoptee and filmmaker, playwright and actor. She is using her past pain and trauma surrounding her family separation, abuse in the orphanage and in her father and stepmother’s home and the haunting loss of a half-sister she’s never met in her art, to process the events of her life and to encourage healing and community with others. Her first feature-length film is a semi-autobiographical look at her life and will be distributed widely this fall.

Audio available on Friday, January 19, 2024.

Season 6, Episode 20: Sara Jones Was Marked By Love

Sara Jones isn’t sure whether she’s 48 or 49. That’s because the circumstances surrounding her relinquishment are still a bit unclear. What she does know for certain, is that her father never wanted her to be separated from her family or be adopted overseas. But his worst fears happened anyway, and against most all odds she was able to find her way back. Now, she’s using her voice to help other Korean adoptees whom the system disenfranchised and left vulnerable. 

Audio available on Tuesday, May 23 at 7:00 am CST.

“Running” by Jae Jin.

Other music appears under license with Blue Dot Sessions.