Season 5, Episode 12: Korean Dragon — Han Yong Wunrow

For so many Korean adoptees, little if any information is ever known about one’s biological family, either because of empty case files, redaction of information because of Korean privacy laws that protect the relinquishing family or even less-than-helpful Korean adoption agencies that might not notify an adoptee that their family was looking for them. But what if one had a quasi-open adoption, where your adoptive father had met your biological mother and she was always known to you? That is the life story of Han Yong Wunrow, 27, who shares more about the unusual adoption story, and even more unusual that his white adoptive parents made Korean culture and interest in the Korean diaspora so central to their own lives. 

Audio available 3/22/22 at 7 am ET.

Korean Quarterly is mentioned in this episode.